Sunday, June 24, 2018

Don't take one single second for granted

As I watch the sun kissed popplers sway in the morning breeze at the campsite, I see families pack up there belongings to head back to their lives. For some, this weekend was an annual vacation. For others it may have been the last time they'll be together as a family before they tell the kids about the divorce tomorrow. For the couple in the cabin it may be a last hurrah to see if they still have any remnants of a flame to spark the fire back to life in their relationship. For the family in the green tent this may be their last trip with Dad before he's no longer able to get around on his own. For the family in the tan camper it may be a celebration of Sammy's graduation and their Mom just wanted all the kids together one more time before he leaves for college. And maybe Sarah's in the blue trailer and her husband works on the road so she left the kids with Grandma so she and Dan could have some one-on-one time. Because of life's crazy schedule they haven't been able to find any alone time in awhile and they aren't sure what's left of their marriage.
Regardless of the circumstances, taking a break from the day-to-day routine can be so much more than just a break. It can be an escape, pushing pause on the stresses of life and just getting away. It could be the marking of the end of an era, or a celebration of what lies ahead. Whatever it is, it's much needed and if we don't take the time for weekends like this then what is it all for? 
Everything we have,
everything we do,
everything we work for,
everything we are,

  • could be gone in the blink of an eye. So if we never take the time to actually enjoy it then what's the purpose of all our weekday efforts? What are we working and striving for that is so important that we can't stop for even one night and enjoy the present? The truth is nothing. There is nothing that is so important that we can't take a moment and breathe in the beauty that is our life. The beauty of our family, our friends, a walk in the park, a laugh in the pool with the kids. There's nothing so important in the future, that we can't take a few moments to enjoy the here and now. One of the only guarantees that we have in life is the here and now, so why not soak it up and live? We can get back to work tomorrow, we can get back to stressing, budgeting, planning, but there's no guarantee that we can get back to that last stroll with grandpa tomorrow. There's no assurance that we can get back to Billy who's begging to toss the ball with his Daddy, or to Rachel who's pleading for her mommy to watch her dive in the pool. All the money in the world can never get those moments back.. and the truth is, grandma isn't going to be here for too much longer and one day Rachel and Billy are going to be all grown up and they won't want to play with you anymore. The things that seem so small and even at times inconvenient, will all be gone someday. I can guarantee that one day you will wish for nothing more than to have those precious tiny moments back. So what's more important to you? Ask yourself that in the quiet of you mind..and then choose wisely.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Check out that Dad Bod!

As a woman, and more importantly as a mom, I prefer a man with the newly adored “Dad-Bod.” I feel like now a days a lot of moms do and I’m sure it's baffling the hell out of most of the trim and muscular men. Their moment is fading. All their hard work is being outshined by men who have never even stepped foot in a gym and who’s golden brown farmer's tan comes from working in the sun instead of tanning 3 times a week. Muscular men work hard to keep up their physique and they are probably feeling very defeated right about now. I hope they don’t get too down about it though. There are still a lot of woman who like to be tossed around in the throes of passion by a big hunky set of biceps. I'm just not one of them and it seems to be a growing trend. Here’s why (at least in my opinion).
I love to feel feminine especially in comparison to my partner. Nothing makes me feel more feminine than curling up on to a fluffy pillow-like belly. I like to be cuddled by a man who’s a little bigger than me, but not by a guy who’s prettier than me. No offense to the hunky boys, (I even dated a few when I cared more about what my friends thought of my boyfriends than what their personality was actually like.) but I would rather be with someone who’s waiting on me to get ready to go out, than vice versa. When your honey takes longer to be presentable than you do, it can be frustrating but humbling because you finally realize what most men go through daily. When a man is waxing and primping more than me, it’s hard to feel like the feminine beauty queen that most woman desire to feel like.
A man with a dad bod is usually a dad. This means he understands when you have to forgo your own personal appearance to take care of kids. Obviously not to the point of being a sloppy mess, but he can understand that you don’t have the time to spend hours a day on your appearance. This usually means that he’s an understanding partner and possibly even a good dad. C’mon ladies, there isn’t a set of abs in the world that can compare to that!
A dad bod also means that they know how to get down on some good food! They will always be up for checking out a new local restaurant. We can also look forward to lazy movie night’s vegging out on an assortment of junk food. Score!
If Hollywood has taught us anything it’s that chubby guys are almost always funny. Think about it for a minute; Kevin James, Chris Farley, Anthony Anderson, the Baluchi brothers. They are all hilarious with AT LEAST a bit of chubbiness, if not more. Maybe it’s because in high school they didn’t have a ripped body to make all the girls swoon so they needed wit and charm to use as a segue to the ladies. Whatever the reason, it definitely worked out in their favor. All that hard work (or lack thereof) is finally paying off.
The funny celebrities that lost their charmed chubbiness seemed to have lost their humor along with it. Johan Hill, Seth Rogan, and Chris Pratt are just a few that (as far as I can recall) haven’t taken on a comedy role since losing weight. It seems to be a package deal and that is fine by me.
You all can keep your superman’s, Thor’s, and Fabio’s and I'll keep rolling in laughter alongside a man with a belly that will jiggle at my jokes. As the guys say, “It’s more cushion for the pushing.”

Monday, June 18, 2018

I've never met a stranger

Since I was a little girl I have always made friends everywhere I've went. I will talk to almost anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Which isn't always the smartest idea because there are some creeps out there. Luckily in my 33 years of being this way it hasn't caused me any harm, some wacky stories and a few stalkers, but so far no harm. (Knock on wood.) Unfortunately I've had some people take my friendliness as flirting, or my willingness to listen as a sign of being interested in them, but for the most part it's just allowed me to meet some pretty interesting people. I spent my 25th birthday at a bar with my then-boyfriend and some friends. When it was nearing last call no one could find me because I was in the corner talking to a homeless man, Arnie, who had staggered in to get warm. He was a kind man and had a smile that could light up a room. In spite of the dirt and lack of recent teeth brushing, it was his soul that radiated passed his physical features. He was funny, but quiet and what stood out to me the most was when he started counting change to buy me a birthday drink. Wow! Talk about selfless! A man who had hardly anything was willing to give the last of what he did have to someone he didn't even know. I've known people who are well-off that won't even buy a friend a drink! The giving nature and pure kindness from this man that most people wouldn't give a second glance Glance towards (unless to snicker at his misfortunes) was offering me literally his last penny. My point is, that in a world full of screens and instant gratification, if we would take the time to smile at each other, say hi, or go out on a limb and strike up a conversation with someone, you would most likely be pleasantly surprised. ( And if not pleasantly then at least surprised and have a good story to tell your next new friend.) I have several similar stories about people I barely knew, and I can honestly say that the majority are surprising, uplifting, and usually funny (in a good way.) There are so many people that have amazing stories to tell if people would just take the time to listen. So the next time you're in line at the UPS Store frustrated, exhausted, and impatient, take a minute to talk to the elderly woman in front of you. You may just make a new friend ( and yes I made a friend this way last December but I'll save that story for another time.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Self moderation (according to society)

What are girls supposed to think about themselves? Our parents tell us we're perfect, that we don't need to change for anyone or anything. But unfortunately if we portray that self-love in the real world  we're conceited, full of ourselves, or TOO confident.
    On the other hand the world tells us we're not pretty enough, not thin enough, and not perfect enough. We're supposed to strive for more. Or better yet we're supposed to strive for perfection. It's a catch-22 though because if we attain that personal view of perfection then we're viewed negatively.
    So what's the fine line, the balance? Have self-confidence but not too much?
    I'm 34 years old, luckily for me I no longer care so much what others think. But unfortunately this is an epidemic definitely among our younger women. As a woman who spent years caring about the opinions of others, here is some advice I have for you.
    So many people in so many different directions are telling you how you're supposed to feel, be, look, and act. At the end of the day the only voice you should listen to is the one inside yourself (as corny as that sounds). You are the only one you have to face in the mirror each day. You are the only one that has to live with how you feel about yourself. And most importantly you should feel and look however you are most comfortable, without worry of other finding you good enough. Because in all already are good enough.

Tying my Writer's Noose

               Hanging up the old hat         I recently started a Blog about how I navigated a messy custody case without a lawyer. How i...